
Latest Posts

Improvements Based On Crit + Final Version Of Animation

Final Animation Before Crit + Reflection On The Animation Process

Collaboration Crit And Art Of

Finishing Animation

Animation Test Full

Making Moom's Texture

Improving Scene For Animation

Making The Animation: Scene 3

Making The Animation: Scene 1 (Update)

House Model

Making The Animation: Scene 1 progress

Main Character's Home

Gravity lab desk

God's Physics Wall

God's Gravity Lab Control Desk

God's Mug

Plug Socket

Plug Socket and Plug Model with Textured Post-It Note (and UV Map)

Creating The Animation: Scene 1

Making The Animation: Identifying Changes From Pre-viz

Collaboration Project: Pre-Viz Process

3D Interior - Colour

Room Interior Modelling - Without Textures

Room Interior 3D Modelling

Designing House Layout

Collaborations Concept: Street View Render

When Not To Go Outside Animatic