Project Thoughts

 It seems to me that the more absurd and unpredictable the structure of the animation is, the funnier it gets so, instead of making three animations with equal screen time I would rather make something more chaotic. 

 I read all storylines and tried to create a rough outline of how our animation could look like. As two longer animations, we could choose "when there are giants outside" and "when someone switches off the gravity" for example, and add to it shorter skits like "when a giant slice of bread wants to smash you".

 That skit about the bread could be something that will last for a whole video, we could use 3 seconds animations (as an interlude) showing just the character and the bread standing still. In the end, the character would be smashed.

 About the commercial idea, I don't know if it's not too different from the rest of the animations. And there would be additional work because we would have to record voices so I'm sceptical about it. 

 I liked Ronnie's idea about board/cards with writings "when not to go outside - when...) that would appear between skits. It reminded me of Don Herzfeldt's animation Rejected from last year. I think that could look funny.


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