Skit Plots 2


when there is a volcano eruption

 The character is listening to loud music on headphones. He can't hear anything that is happening around him. The music is audible on close-ups. He is busy with housework - washing dishes, arranging papers/books. etc. In the background, there is a television showing news - volcano eruption. On a screen appears a warning message that everyone must stay home and wait for help. The character is not looking on tv and accidentally he avoids seeing fire rocks falling from the sky. Some of them are falling through opened windows (or they are breaking them) without being noticed by the character. He smells the volcano smoke but he decides to ignore it. Finally, he takes some cloth, window cleaner and opens door to go outside. After the first step on the outside, he gets hit by a volcano rock and he falls down.

when you don't have to

 An alarm clock goes off. It shows 6:00 am. The character stays in bed, tired and irritated. He wipes his eyes and yawns. He looks at the ringing clock alarm, window and rest of the room - there are prepared backpack and clothes for him to go to school. Suddenly he frowns and looks at the clock again. It's Saturday. The character smiles and pulls down a shader (window is next to the bed). He gets back to sleep. 

when a giant bread slice wants to smash you

 The character stands in a doorway and looks up at a giant slice of bread in front of him. After a long time, the character tries to take a step - the bread is bowing slightly. The character stares at bread suspiciously and goes outside. Bread crashed the character in a second.

when someone switches off the gravity

God walks across the Earth workshop. He doesn't notice a cable and trips. Accidentally he pulls a lever with a writing "gravity" while falling. 

 It's morning. The character gets ready for work. He takes his keys, coat from the rack. While he presses a handle and pushes the door, he starts to levitate. Everything around him (alongside the camera) starts to float - pieces of furniture, coat, keys hit his eye. He bounces off the door and flies up screaming. 

when you are sleepwalking

 (Camera stays in one place) The character stands up from bed in the middle of the night. He checks notifications of his smartphone (even while sleepwalking he is addicted to his phone), places the phone on his bed and continues to sleepwalk. He left the house. We can hear him being hit by a car.

 when you are sleepwalking and you have a fosse full of acid around your house

 The plot would be the same as it was with the previous one, just the character will end up in acid. Both skits would have to take place next to each other to be funny. 

when you live in Australia

 The character is preparing meticulously to go outside. While seeking clothes in his room he carefully checks if nothing wants to attack him (any bug or arachnid) - he holds a special spray to kill any insect he would find. He kills a couple of smaller and bigger creatures. Finally, when he is ready he goes outside. A big spider waits for him on a mat. Before it attacks him he takes his spray and smashes the spider. Happily, he gets passes his neighbourhood. It looks like nothing serious will happen this time but then a giant spider appears in front of him (we can't see it because it's behind the camera, we can see only a shadow of the spider on the ground). The character is frightened, he looks up and with a shaking hand, he tries to use the spray. Monster spider gets closer and bites his head.

commercial one - don't go outside until you use our deodorant

 Everything looks as usual. The character is about to go out but another character - the seller - comes in. Cheap commercial music starts to play. The character is clearly confused and tries to take the seller away but the seller ignores his actions. He starts a typical commercial monologue - "Do you feel how people move to the other side of the street when they see you? Does your own girlfriend rather cuddle with a fridge at night than with you?" etc. The character can say something back like "Huh? I-I don't even have a girlfriend." - He gets ignored by the seller. "If to every question you answered yes, I have a solution for you! Super ultra-powerful deodorant, once you try it you won't be able to go out without it! Only £11,99! £11,99!" The monologue continues as the character tries to fight with the seller. The character tries to escape from the house but the seller while still talking "to the camera" demonstrates the deodorant on him. He spritzes the character very intensively. The character starts to cough, falls on his knees and faints in a doorway. The seller ends the commercial and goes out stepping on the character. 


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