Skit Plots

For our skits we had to come up with the plots.

We decided to go with...When not to go outside.

Plot Ideas

1. When you are on a plane.

Our character will walk out of the door on a flying plane and walk mid air until he realises he is going to fall and then panics. He then falls down and crashes through the rood of his own house. 

2. When there are giants outside.

Our character will be on his sofa when he realises his pet fish needs to go out on a walk. He puts its lead on and goes outside, forgetting that there are giants walking around where he lives. As he is walking he gets stepped on and squashed flat. His pet fish gets kicked by the giants foot and lands into a pond with other fish, safe and sound.

3. When there is a devastating thunderstorm.

Our character goes outside to look for his lost pet fish. He dodges the giants this time as he is looking. It is raining and storming. He stands under a tree for shelter. Then, the tree gets struck by lighting and he gets shocked. You see his bones in x-ray vision. (Referencing our logo here).

He could then stand and lean on something as a skeleton to finish off in the pose of the logo to end. 


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