Character Design

 As a group, we decided that our character will fit into the stereotype of a mad scientist who creates bizarre, fanciful and extremely unhelpful inventions that usually cause more problems than utility. Pop culture is full of such characters so I decided to take a look at a few of them.


Frankenstein (1931) – Henry Frankenstein (Colin Clive)

Italian-Swiss scientist, unbalanced, insane, tragic figure, curious, obsessive. Long, white gown – His clothes are simple, his craziness is visible in his posture, slicked-back, messy hair and eyes with dark rings.





Metropolis (1927) – C. A. Rotwang

German scientist/inventor - his laboratory, with its profusion of Tesla coils and towering switch panels, baroque chemical equipment and pipework, became a stock feature of many later films. Tangled grey hair, receding hairline, outfit composed of many layers, prosthetic right hand.



Phineas and Ferb - Dr. Heinz "Doof" Doofenshmirtz 

Incompetent and forgetful evil scientist intent on conquering the "entire tri-state area". Goofy, eccentric, and overly dramatic with a tragic past. Tall, slender, with a hunchback, pointy crooked characteristics, long overall.


Rick and Morty - Richard "Rick" Sanchez

A genius scientist with an alcohol problem, nihilistic behaviour. Tall, old Hispanic-American man with tanned ashy complexion, spiky grey hair, wrinkles, yellow teeth, occasionally seen with some green spill on his mouth, a range of cybernetic enhancements.

Futurama - Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth

The chief executive officer and a shareholder of Planet Express. Generally friendly mild-mannered but also arrogant, spiteful. Defender of scientific progress and education. Old, bald, wrinkled, with thick glasses. He wears a typical lab coat and slippers. Colouristic combination of blue and white.


Austin Powers - Douglas "Dougie" Powers/Dr. Evil

A parody of James Bond villains, primarily Ernst Stavro Blofeld. High degree of intelligence he is prone to absent-mindedness, childishness and has a tendency to do things counterproductive. Overweight, bald, pale, wearing a plain uniform resembling pyjamas/medical clothes.


Fullmetal Alchemist – Shou Tucker - the Sewing-Life Alchemist

Middle-aged man, soft-spoken but asocial man, with small amount of brown hair, and slight beard stubble, desperate, delusional, selfish, and manipulative.


The mad scientist archetype is very popular and the vast majority of characters seem to share the same traits of both appearance and character. Similar elements are running through all the characters - a cool colour scheme, white, blue, brown, lab coat, messy hair etc. Based on these images, I tried to create a prototype of our character's clothing.

Our character is more a mad scientist caricature, he is closer to Dr. Heinz Doofernshmirtz than to Shou Tucker. He's in his 40's, creative and smart but also childish and irresponsible.


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