Sorting Out Our Ideas For 'When Not To Go Outside'

We decided to meet up as a group in order to sort through the many ideas we have for 'When Not To Go Outside'. We previously identified that the key to creating a good comedy is to create contrast and so we wanted to pick the more outrageous ones. 

The image below shows our ideas in order, with the top being the ideas we like the most and the bottom being the ideas we liked least. For ideas that we didn't like, it was mainly due to them not being as out their or exciting as the ideas we already picked. This made them seem boring in comparison or simply not fit the type of comedy we were going for. Other ideas seemed far too closed off as an idea or simply too complicated to be practical for our animation.  

I tried to present our ideas in a more visually creative way, rather than just writing down a list. 

We now have to flesh out the ideas which we like (top half) in order to create a framework for our animation. 


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